The Doorstep Evangel Newspaper
The DoorStep Evangel is a bimonthly publication of the Empire Baptist Temple. It is freely distributed to Pastors and Missionaries as a ministry to encourage and edify men of God as they serve in this challenging age.
Archived here you will find a sampling of articles that have appeared in the DoorStep Evangel over the years.
Win a Teen....for Life!
Dr. Erich McCandless
Fifty-three percent of high school teen girls are sexually active. Over half of all teenagers are active alcoholic drinkers. Thirty-three percent of high school students smoke regularly. Fourteen percent have tried marijuana. Every day 1,106 teens have abortions, 135,000 carry a gun to school, 10 are killed by guns, 54 are infected by AIDS, and 6 commit suicide (USN&WR).
American teenagers are on a one-way road to hell. They are charging into hell by the thousands due to a tremendously strong influence called peer pressure. This world is not getting any better, (sorry Mr. Peale and Mr. Schueller) and hell is not getting any cooler. It is time we quit trying to build super-churches, and a "world-renown" name. It is time we quit spending hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars trying to convince other preachers/workers that we have the "right" or "authority" to teach or preach the Deep Doctrines of the Bible!
Our teens don't need to be impressed by our vast knowledge of the hidden secrets in the Bible. They don't need to know we have written 28 books, etc., etc. Our teens need to know that we love them. They need to see that we are real, and not hypocrites. What I am trying to say is this: If we fill their brains with Biblical, doctrinal knowledge, we have gained little, unless along with that we have put a love for God in their heart and let that love lead them through their life by giving him/her standards, convictions, and doctrine.
Sounds good, you may say, but how do we accomplish this? Just like Jesus "hand trained" his 12 disciples. I suggest that we leave work at the office, come home and spend some TIME "with" our kids. Not lecturing time, but get on their turf and do things they want to do. It will not kill us or ruin our churches if we take our sons fishing (or any sport) for a couple of hours a week, or if our wives occasionally take our daughters to the arts and craft festival for the day. Of all the teens of Christian families I have known who have rebelled against God, this is in essence what they have said: "God (or) Christianity has stole my father/mother from me." A sad commentary, but a true one. Brethren, it is my belief that we can mix the two ministries of family and church if we live a properly balanced life. Many preachers disregard Proverbs 22:6 - "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." I have heard every excuse in the book why a child departed from God. This verse is not a questionable doctrine! It is a promise from God that he will give us grace with our children IF we train them in the way they should go. The word "old" has the Hebrew context of when a boy reaches manhood or when hair first appears on his face. So God promises that if we do our part, God will give sufficient grace to protect our child through the teen years while the peer pressure and bodily changes are at the maximum height.
In conclusion, let me say this, of the three organizations that God has ordained, the family was created first and the church third. The family is a much stronger unit over the child's life than the best church with all its programs for teens. If you and I will humble ourselves and get our priorities in line with the Word of God, then God will show Himself strong in our weakness. Let's quit trying to build our churches at our families expense. Let's put God first in our devotional life. Then, second above all else hold our precious mate that God gave us, with our children third in line. Then and only then comes our church ministries. God tells both deacons and pastors that a major requirement of the office is to rule their house and have all their children in subjection. If the shoe fits...wear it! If we will take time for our family, we will see the multiplication factor set in as we Win a Teen...For Life!